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diaries, private correspondence, autobiography

This category concerns different classes, which possibly will be separated later on. For the moment it contains 215 references to diaries, private correspondence or autobiography. The texts have not been studied for their own sake, but only because of their illustrating women authors' influence on the diarists and correspondents.

Authors of these egodocuments are male as well as female. Both groups are interesting in different ways: women’s private letters can be seen as replacement for impossible literary critique and participation in public debates. Not always however: Belle de Zuylen laughing at Lucie Bouiller seems typical for a private, and even a secret correspondence.

As for letters by men: in some cases opinions expressed in private are to be confronted to what had been said in public: Potgieter for example, writing about George Sand in De Gids and in a letter to his friend and colleague Busken Huet.

Nowadays, this category of texts is sometimes well disclosed, in modern editions with beautiful indexes, or even in online searchable presentation, to which we will provide direct links as soon as possible.

Male authors:

Female authors:

SvD, September 2007

  • Note that when arriving in the database WomenWriters your status will be "not logged on", meaning that your access to the database is limited. For complete access (and participation in the project), contact Suzan van Dijk.

  • Sources > Dutch sources > Egodocuments

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