Project news
This page presents news about NEWW project and COST Action, about subprojects starting within the network, and also about recent findings or research outcomes that are relevant to the WomenWriters network.
- NEWW network generated a COST Action (May 2009)
- 15 September 2009, Agnese Fidecaro organised a meeting informing about the Action, Geneva University, Faculty of Letters
- December 2009, Marie Nedregotten Sørbø (Norway) presented the Action on Volda college's home page
- Suzan van Dijk interviewed in NWO journal Geestesoog (pp. 6-7, December 2009)
- International Symposium in Ljubljana World Book Capital (September 2010)
- Our Action in COST news
- Over 20.000 reception records in WomenWriters database...
- A series of lectures about "our" authors
- CLARIN-NL project COBWWWEB has been granted: database will be further developed
- HERA project Travelling TexTs has been granted: collaborative research involving five countries
- In connection to the final COST-WWIH conference the Dutch "Letterkundig Museum" (Museum of Literary History) presents a small exhibition entitled "Nieuwe schrijfsters" (New women authors from the Dutch past). Here an online version of this exhibition.
- Marie Sorbo presented the COST-WWIH Action, as well as the new HERA project in a full-page, illustrated interview in the major regional newspaper Sunnmørsposten, June 17th. The title was ‘Viktige kvinnestemmer’ (Important Women’s Voices).
- November 2013 the Swedish Women Writers on Export project was accepted by the Swedish Research Council. It involves Jenny Bergenmar, Yvonne Leffler, Gunilla Hermansson, Birgitta Johannson and Åsa Arping.
SvD, January 2014
- Project news