Elena Gretchanaia
Specializing in
- 18th and 19th-century French and Russian literature.
- Autobiography.
Personal website
Some recent publications relevant for NEWW
- (with Catherine Viollet, eds.), "Si tu lis jamais ce journal". Diaristes russes francophones, 1780-1854. Paris, CNRS-Editions, 2008 (anthology of private diaries written in French by Russian women).
- (with Michel Mercier and Francis Ley, eds.), Autour de Valérie. Œuvres de Madame de Krüdener. Paris, Honoré Champion, 2007, 357 p.
- "Les écrits autobiographiques des femmes russes du XVIIIe siècle rédigés en français", Dix-huitième siècle, 2004, n° 36, p. 131-154.
Realized or planned activities/publications in NEWW-context
- Organisation, together with Catherine Viollet and others) of the conference La francophonie aux XVIIIe-XIXe siècles : perspectives littéraires, historiques et culturelles. Paris, 29-30 April 2011.
- "'Nous voudrions que les femmes s'occupent de la littérature': traductions des romancières françaises en Russie autour de 1800", in Anke Gillier, Alicia C. Montoya, Suzan van Dijk (eds.), Women Writing Back/Writing Women Back. Transnational Perspectives from the Late Middle Ages to the Dawn of the Modern Era. Leiden, Brill, 2010, p. 347-374.
- Participating in the COST-WWIH session of “Les rôles transfrontaliers joués par les femmes dans la construction de l’espace européen, de la Renaissance au XXIe siècle”
- Participation in the Women Telling Nations: 1st Milestone conference, Madrid 11-13 November 2010
- Participating, as a member of Working Group 3, in COST Action IS 0901 “Women Writers in History” (2009-2013); cf. COST website.
- elgretchanaia[at]rambler.ru
SvD, December 2010
- Participants > Gretchanaia