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Daniel Maher: "Narratrices et narrateurs chez Michel de Pure"


La Pretieuse ou les mystères de la ruelle by Michel de Pure is one of the very few novels of its time where a male author puts in place a world apparently dominated by women. Not only does the text represent préciosité, a cultural phenomenon of the 1650s closely associated with women, but females are also the main characters in almost all of the numerous narratives embedded in this complex novel. However, male characters do not disappear totally from the text - the novel clearly differentiates between narratives told by male and female characters, and thereby raises the question of the gender of the various narrators. Using narratological analysis, this article will explore the power relationships between male and female characters. Surprisingly, although female characters are undoubtedly dominant at the level of story, male characters establish a much stronger presence in the narrative.

AsK, jan 2011

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