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== Transmission et réception de l’expérience dans Les Finch et leur Suite



Charrière’s last novels, Les Finch and their Suite, explicitly deal with the author’s concern about the transmission and reception of experience, a major theme at the end of the eighteenth century, when the French Revolution and its excesses force to reconsider the possibilities of education and experience in order to reach individual and collective perfectibility: the great Enlightenment utopia. The author’s reflection about the importance of transmission mingles with the demonstration of the need of (a good) interpretation subverting from a thematic and a formal point of view our reading habits in order to despise all kinds of intellectual “systems” and to praise the development of an individual critical approach aiming at “digging deeper” all kinds of knowledge. The importance of the latter in both texts proves Charrière’s being, still and after all, a femme des Lumières.

SvD, February 2016

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