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Katja Mihurko Poniz

The reception of foreign women writers in the Slovenian magazine Slovenka


In my paper I will explore the reception of European women writers in the first Slovenian women's magazine entitled Slovenka (Slovenian woman, 1897-1903). Slovenka's editor Marica Nadlišek herself wrote fiction and therefore literature played an important role in her editing concept. She encouraged Slovenian women to take up the pen but she also published texts from and about foreign women writers.

I will also investigate the reception of foreign women writers in the central Slovenian literary periodical Ljubljanski zvon (Ljubljana Bell) in the aforementioned years. The comparison will show if the women's magazine Slovenka was more open for women writers, especially from other national literatures. Having entered these data into the database WomenWriters, I would firstly like to test the database as a tool in exploring the reception of women writers in the women's magazines. Secondly, I would like to open up the discussion about the connections between women's magazines and the reception of women writers across Europe.

SvD, October 2011

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