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Les Lettres neuchâteloises et Historie van Mejuffrouw Sara Burgerhart. Eléments pour une mise au point

Charrière scholars often claim, using a remark in one of the author’s later letters as their proof, that the Lettres neuchâteloises (1784) were influenced by the Dutch epistolary novel Historie van Mejuffrouw Sara Burgerhart (by Betje Wolff and Aagje Deken, 1782).
The author of this article suggests that when looking at the texts one cannot find straightforward evidence for such a connection between the two novels, which make use of different narrative techniques.
It is possible that Charrière had the Dutch novel in mind when she decided on having her Julianne – but none of the other characters – use a quite particular idiolect. Yet one might wonder if Charrière’s insistence on the financial problems experienced by her characters is in fact meant as an opposition to the fact that wealth makes life much easier for Sara and her correspondents.

AsK, November 2010

  • Publications > Belle de Zuylen Papers > 2010 > Pelckmans

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