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Marisa Cangelosi: "Féminité et masculinité dans trois nouvelles de jeunesse de Madame de Staël (Mirza ou lettre d'un voyageur, Adélaïde et Théodore, L'Histoire de Pauline)"


In 1786 Madame de Staël wrote three short stories: Adelaide et Theodore, Histoire de Pauline, Mirza ou lettre d'un voyageur, published in 1795. Though written by a writer who was just starting her career, a relation can be seen with the future work, particularly with Delphine and Corinne.
The three short stories, based on love affairs, offer a remarkable choice of topoi of femininity and masculinity and deal with relations between woman, men and society. These topoi channel the heroines' fate in a path that is based on a social and cultural weakness of woman — the lack of education —, and proceed through prejudice and suspect, abandon, sacrifice, death.
What comes out is the image of a significant sexual difference. Nevertheless, even if woman loses her struggle with society, she remains glorious, while man saves himself but without being triumphant. Everything is in a turmoil in the three short stories, and especially in Mirza, the most innovating one. It's not time for feminine emancipation yet, but Madame de Staël promises its coming.

AsK, jan 2011

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