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Marie-Christine Pioffet: "Enjeux et destinée des écrits féminins dans l'imaginaire de Madame de Villedieu"


This article examines the conditions of production of feminine writings as well as the fictional reception that is reserved to them in the narrative works of Madame de Villedieu. Being constantly subject to censorship, the writing production of her heroines is often neutralized or diverted from its real recipients. Although none of these heroines claim the status of writer, the novelist spares no effort to promote their literary gifts, while those of her male characters usu-ally give rise to suspicion or derision. In comparing some poetical and epistolary fragments written by the protagonists of either gender, this investigation questions the specificity of women's writing as presented in the novelistic imagination. Finally, this study establishes a link between the aspirations of Madame de Villedieu and those of her heroines who claim the right to freedom of expression.

AsK, jan 2011

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