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(Literary) history (before c. 1900)

The beginnings of literary historiography form an essential phase : in the Netherlands it concerns essentially 19th century texts, but some earlier inventories have been included here. In the 19th-century material a view of women’s participation in literature can be supposed to have been fixed. But this has to be seriously analyzed. Such a study is made easier thanks to online presence of some of these literary histories: mentions of women writers can be studied in their immediate context. [...]

General history:

General literary history:

Theater history:

Women’s literary history:

Through secundary literature:

AsK, September 2010

  • Note that when arriving in the database WomenWriters your status will be "not logged on", meaning that your access to the database is limited. For complete access (and participation in the project), contact Suzan van Dijk.

  • Sources > Dutch sources > (Literary) history >

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