Henriette Partzsch
Specializing in
- Spanish literature of the early modern period
Personal website
Publications relevant for NEWW
- "Mit Byron und Scott zwischen Kuba und Spanien: Gertrudis Gómez de Avellanedas literarische Begegnungen mit heroischen Banditen und Piraten", in Grenzgaenge, Hybride & Fusionen. Romanistische Beitraege zu polykulturellen Kommunikationsprozessen; Reinhard Krueger (ed.). Berlin, Weidler, 2008, p. 41-60.
- "Carolina Coronado: A Larra", in Seis siglos de poesía española escrita por mujeres: Pautas poéticas y revisiones críticas. Dolores Romero López, Itzíar López Guil, Rita Catrina Imboden, Cristina Albizu Yeregui (eds.). Peter Lang, p. 249-259.
Realized or planned activities/publications in NEWW-context
- Fidecaro Agnese, Henriette Partzsch, Suzan van Dijk et Valérie Cossy (dir.), Femmes écrivains à la croisée des langues / Women Writers at the Crossroads of Languages, 1700-2000, Actes du colloque organisé à l’Université de Genève les 9 et 10 mai 2007, Genève : MétisPresses, à paraître en 2009.
- Bochum, May 2009, "Manipulating Genre and Gender: the Novella in Early Modern Spain", contribution to the third international conference of the NEWW network (New approches to European Women’s Writing) Theorizing Narrative Genres and Gender, hosted by Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum.
- Participation in full proposal for HERA Collaborative Research Project WIFE (Writing in Female Europe. Women’s authorship and peripheral cultures: participation in supra-national 19th-century developments), submitted 1 September 2009.
- hamp2[at]st-andrews.ac.uk
SvD, September 2009
- Participants > Partzsch