Amelia Sanz
Specializing in
- French women writers such as Anne de La Roche-Guilhem and Madame de Villedieu,
- Relationships between French and Spanish literature during the Ancien Régime,
- Theoretical reflections on key concepts of twentieth-century critical theory (intertextuality, interculturality and hypertextuality),
Personal website
Some recent publications relevant for NEWW
- “Les nations d’Anne de la Roche-Guilhem ”, in Rainer Zaiser (ed.), Ecrivaines du XVIIe siècle, special issue of Oeuvres et critiques, XXXV/1, 2010, p. 105-124.
- Interculturas, transliteraturas, Madrid, Arco, 2008.
- Literaturas del Texto al Hipermedia, Barcelona, Anthropos, 2008.
- Literatures in the Digital Age. Theory and Praxis (Amelia Sanz and Dolores Romero, editors), Cambridge, Cambridge Scholar Press, 2007.
- "A mayor gloria de las mujeres del Antiguo Régimen: una asociación, la SIEFAR, una colección, La cité des dames", in Voz y Letra. Revista de Literatura, 2006, XVII(2), p. 157-163.
- "Entrecultures, entre temps: les femmes traduisent l'Histoire", in Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature (2005).
- "Anne de La Roche-Guilhem, 'Rare en Tout'", in Jean Delisle (éd.), Portraits de traductrices. Ottawa, 2002, p. 55-85.
- "La nouvelle historique entre deux siècles: fondements d'une narrativité" in XVIIe siècle, 1998, p.151-165.
- "Déplacements sémantiques dans les traductions d'Anne de La Roche-Guilhem", in M. Ballard & L. D'Hulst (eds.), La Traduction en France à l'âge classique. Lille, 1996, p. 259-73.
- "Voces y diálogo en la obra de Mme de Villedieu: amor caballeresco español y amor galante francés", Revista de Filología Francesa, 1992-1, p. 237-254.
Realized or planned activities/publications in NEWW-context
- Participation in the Utrecht Exploratory Workshop, April 2008.
- Participating, as member of the Management Committee, in COST Action IS 0901 “Women Writers in History” (2009-2013); cf. COST website.
- Contributing to COST-WWIH workshop Turku 24-26 May.
- Search for a non-national model for the history of the literary - deconstructing "the nation" and the national context as being the only possible context. Working on the following authors: Teresa de Jesus, Maria de Zayas, Agnes van Heilsbach, Katarina Verwers, Cecilia Böhl, George Eliot, Mary Shelley, Emilia Pardo Bazan (project).
- amsanz[at]
More details
AsK, September 2010
- Participants > Sanz