Internet and the gendered study of literary history
European women writers in history
Their position in the literary field
Entering some of them into the literary canon?
Dear colleagues!
As you may have noted, this website has not been much updated during the last years. Yet, we left it in place, as much of the information is still applicable and can be useful.
However, we should have announced more clearly (here, for instance...) that work is being continued. After our European HERA TTT project (2013-2016), we became a DARIAH Working Group entitled "Women Writers in History", in which we are preparing further international collaboration, having the benefit of our common online tool.
During HERA TTT our WomenWriters database was restructured, and transformed into the NEWW VRE (NEWW: New approaches to European Women's Writing). During the last month (October 2018), this new version of our tool was updated, bugs were fixed and curation of data was done.
We are still completely interested in any form of collaboration within this VRE, be it in the context of the DARIAH WWIH Working Group, or otherwise.
Note that the "old" WomenWriters database is still on-line, which is in fact sometimes a bit confusing, but we need to access it and compare to the new version, because of some transfer issues to be compared and checked between the "old" and the "new"version of the tool.
For information about membership you might take contact with our Belgian colleague
Beatrijs Vandenacker (KU Leuven).
Suzan van Dijk (November 2018)
>>In Lisbon took place November 24-26, 2016 the annual NEWW conference Celebrating our foremothers, organised by Isabel Lousada on the occasion of the centennnial of Portuguese author Claudia de Campos. The National Library presented an exhibition, and the Sines municipality took the initiative of publishing a new edition of her novel Ele. <<
>>In Washington took place November 17-20 the ASEEES Annual Convention of 2016, in which our collaborative network and new VRE was presented in a session organised by Hilde Hoogenboom.<<
>>Recently our collaboration was invited to take the form of a DARIAH Working Group. We accepted and were presented as such October 10 2016 in Ghent, at the DARIAH Annual Event, in which participated Amelia Sanz, Suzan van Dijk and Janouk de Groot. More information about the new stage we are entering to follow.<<
>> The new version of the WomenWriters database, the NEWW Women Writers Virtual Research Environment, is presently being tested. In particular the Instructions for Use are being adapted to the researchers' needs. If you are ready to participate in this testing, please send a message. <<
>> The HERA Travelling TexTs exhibition entitled "Omdat ik iets te zeggen had / Because I had something to say" (see for instance Huygens ING) also led to Dutch 19th-century women authors being included in <<
>> For information about the Final Conference of the HERA Travelling TexTs project at Glasgow University: June 9-11 2016, see here. <<
>> Ask for: first volume of series "Women Writers in History" <<
>> Visit also NEWW on Facebook <<
The present website intends also to inform about this international collaboration and to provide preliminary results of research in this domain - as examples for students and for those willing to participate in the NEWW network, created within the project
New approaches to European Women’s Writing
(funded by N.W.O. Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research; 2007-2010), functioning as COST Action IS0901 "Women Writers In History" between 2009 and 2013.