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Pim van Oostrum, Suzan van Dijk

Sara Burgerhart et Marianne de La Prise.
Réponse à Paul Pelckmans

In this contribution the authors engage in a discussion with Paul Pelckmans about the question if Isabelle de Charrière’s Lettres neuchâteloises (1784) have been, as she herself claimed in 1804, influenced by Betje Wolff and Aagje Deken’s Historie van Mejuffrouw Sara Burgerhart (1782). They tend to insist upon the use, in both novels, of narrative topoi about female solidarity and mutual help, which are not commonly found in contemporary novels written by men, and which have been surprisingly overlooked both in “traditional” and in more recent research concerning Wolff and Deken’s authorship.

SvD, November 2011

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