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Juliana Jovicic

Specializing in

  • Female Exile/Migrant and Diaspora literature.
  • Cultural (literature, politic, economy, migration issues) contacts between Serbia and Germany/Austria and women mediating between cultures and literatures, especially in the field of German-Slavic relationships

Personal website

Some recent publications relevant for NEWW

  • Strategije i taktike uspešnih žena 19.veka. Na tragu zlatne decenije srpsko-nema?kih interkulturnih veza: Mina i Talfj u privatnoj prepisci (Strategies and tactics of successfull 19th-century women. At the trace of Serbian-German intercultural relations: Mina and Talvj in private correspondence). Novi Sad, Futura publikacije, 2012.
  • "*Kulturelle und soziale Fremde aus der Perspektive einer Reisenden des 19. Jahrhunderts: aus Talvjs Romanen Heloise (1850) und [ Die Auswanderer (1852) / L’expérience de l’altérité culturelle et sociale d’une voyageuse au XIXe siècle: Les romans Héloise (1850) et Die Auswanderer (Les émigrants, 1852) de Talvj", in Kerstin Wiedemann and Elisa Müller-Adams (eds.), Wege aus der Marginalisierung. Geschlecht und Schreibweisen in deutschsprachigen Romanen von Frauen, 1780-1914 / Echapper à la marginalisation. Genre et récit dans le roman féminin allemand, 1780-1914. Nancy, Presses universitaires de Nancy, 2013, p. 191-216.

Realized or planned activities/publications in NEWW-context


  • julianajovicic[at]

SvD, January 2014

  • Participants > Jovicic

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