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Information and contact

The publishing site Women Writers’ Networks as presented in this form is one of the outcomes of the digitizing project The International Reception of Women’s Writing (2004–2007; Utrecht University). This digitizing project was part of a large research programme which is going on since 1997 around the database WomenWriters. Next phase was the international networking project New approaches to European Women’s Writing (NEWW; 2007–2010). Just as the preceding projects it was funded by NWO (Netherlands Organisation of Scientific Research); collaboration was with Universities of Genève, Lausanne, Southampton, Warwick and Bochum.

In the framework of this project an international network has been created, for which a mission statement has been formulated during an Exploratory Workshop organised in Utrecht, April 2008. Since then, the NEWW project has been instrumental in preparing a European-wide COST Action entitled : Women Writers in History: Toward a New Understanding of European Literary Culture. This has started in October 2009 and will have a duration of four years. During this Action, European scholars further collaborate - in real and virtual world - for an appropriate understanding of women's role in international literary history.

Objective of the present website is: the presentation of provisional and partial results of research which has been allowed or facilitated by the database WomenWriters. The direct relationship between the website and the database will be visible through hyperlinks leading from the online articles to the source materials. Note that while access to the website is open to everyone, a password is needed for complete visibility of the database content. (Contact us!)

In the first place this website is providing results of The International Reception of Women’s Writing. This project has in particular been concerned with reception of women’s writing in the Netherlands. It was closed by a study day at the Huygens Institute (The Hague) on 21 September 2007.

For quoting, researchers are asked to take into account normal copyright regulations.


  • Address:

Project manager Suzan van Dijk
Huygens Institute KNAW
P.O.B. 90754
2509 LT The Hague
The Netherlands
Tel. 00-31-70-3315835

See also under: Participants

SvD, May 2010

  • Home > Information and contact

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