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Madeleine Jeay: "Figures de la perfection aux XIIIe-XIVe siècles : les topoi de l'héroïsme masculin et féminin"


The study of the topoi related to the heroes' journey of redemption in three thirteenth-century and fourteenth-century narrative works (Philippe de Rémi's La Manekine, Jean Maillart's Le roman du comte d'Anjou and La belle Hélène de Constantinople) leads to two questions which are central to the preoccupations of the SATOR. The first one deals with the gender mark in the formulation of a topos and concludes that systematic solutions - such as automatic gender marking - must be avoided in order to account for the specificity of masculine and feminine experiences in a given culture. The second concerns the interactions between the narrativity of the novel and other types of narrativity. In the case of these texts - and generally in the Middle Ages - the close links between novelistic and hagiographic narratives justify the inclusion of the former in the corpus of texts studied by the SATOR.

AsK, jan 2011

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